Member Resources

2025 Member Brochure

STDB Website

Web Address:

STDB Help Desk Information:

Web Address:

Phone: 469-232-2615

Email: [email protected]

Deal Share

A Quick Overview
DealShare is your new solution for connecting with fellow CCIM Institute members to close deals. It’s
packed with features to help you market your properties.
If you’ve used MailBridge, then you’re familiar with the basic concept behind DealShare. Some new
features include:

• geocoded listings
• searching posts by user, location, or property type
• email for properties you’re watching
• posting by Institute candidate members
The best way to discover the power of DealShare is to simply start using it. This guide will help you get oriented.

What is DealShare?
You’ll notice links to DealShare on where links to MailBridge used to be. You can click on any of those or go directly to You’ll be prompted to log in using your no new usernames or passwords needed!

Accessing DealShare
Insert PDF fliers, add images, embed video, and format as much as you’d like in your posts. Your
posting appears for thirty days and will be searchable by all members. If your property posting matches
“Want” subscriptions that members have created, they will be alerted according to their subscription
You are also no longer limited to one post a day. Start posting by clicking New Post.

Posting Properties (Haves)
Create subscriptions based on property types and locations, and set up your alerts. When a property
that matches your subscription is posted, you will be emailed according to your subscription settings.
You can choose to receive alerts for each subscription in real time, once a day, or once a week.

Subscribing (Wants)
If you used MailBridge for more than Have/Want emails, then you may have noticed that there aren’t
categories for the General or Intelligence emails. Emails sent in this group would include inquiries about references for professionals in a certain field/location, forms/templates, or general industry questions. For these posts, click Intelligence in the navigation bar. This will take you to your new member benefit, CCIM Connect. Post in the forum to connect with all members who are able to contribute.

Other Inquiries
In addition to a lot of great new features, an even easier way of getting help is available. If you’re stuck, click Issues in the gray toolbar. Once you’ve submitted your question or problem, you’ll get an email notification acknowledging that your inquiry has been received. You’ll receive another email once it’s been resolved.

Getting Help With DealShare
Log in now at and start posting and setting up subscriptions. For step-bystep guidance, be sure to check out these additional resources:
• Video overview:
• Site Overview Guide:
Ready to Dive In?

Other National Websites

CRE – Counselors of Real Estate
ICREA – International Consortium of Real Estate Associations
MBA – Mortgage Bankers Association
NAHB – National Association of Home Builders
NAIOP – Commercial Real Estate Development Association
NAR – National Association of Realtors
NAREIT – National Association of Real Estate Investment Trusts
PREA – Pension Real Estate Association
RLI — Realtors Land Institute
SIOR – Society Of Industrial And Office Realtors

Legislative Resources

Government Printing Office – Legislative activities, federal regulations, and executive branch press releases about commercial real estate
Library of Congress (Thomas) – Archives commercial real estate-related bills, resolutions, and amendments
Roll Call – Authoritative coverage of Capitol Hill news
U.S Senate & U.S. House of Representatives – Official sites

“CCIM” Designation Misuse

CCIM Policy: 

The CCIM designation and logo are registered trademarks of the National Association of REALTORS® licensed to the CCIM Institute for their exclusive use, subject to the Institute’s Bylaws and Policies and Procedures as they exist and may be changed or modified by the Board of Directors. Upon receiving the CCIM designation, a designee has the right to use and identify themselves as a CCIM and partake of the member services provided by the Institute so long as they remain a “member in good standing” in accordance with the policies and procedures as established by the Institute and the Board of Directors, including being current in payment of all financial obligations to the Institute.The Institute congratulates members on the extensive process required to obtain their CCIM designation and will reasonably work with every designee to assist them in maintaining their active status. Membership in a local CCIM Chapter does not in any way provide any additional rights or opportunities to use the CCIM logo or trademark to any individual that is not an active designee of the Institute. In the event a designee voluntarily or involuntarily is no longer a member in good standing of the Institute, they must immediately cease from the following:

  • Use and access to member services provided by the Institute such as STDBonline, DealShare, Find a CCIM, etc.
  • May no longer use the CCIM logo or identify themselves as a CCIM in any public or private manner such as:
    • Business cards
    • Corporate letterhead
    • Display advertisements
    • Electronic communications (websites, email, portals, etc.)
    • Client proposals
    • Internal or external communications
    • Personal resumes
      If  you are aware of a case of misuse, please notify [email protected]