2025 Committee Directory & Descriptions

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Programs Committee

There are Programs Committees in Charlotte, Triangle, Triad, Fayetteville, Wilmington, and Asheville. The committees are responsible for planning and coordinating program/networking events for their market. Committee Members focus on providing high quality programs that specifically target the interests of the members, while facilitating active networking. This committee offers exceptional opportunities to develop relationships within the NC-CCIM organization and also with regional business leaders, community organizations and other commercial real estate professionals. If interested, please contact:

Asheville – Jason Burk, CCIM
Charlotte – John Shaheen, CCIM
Fayetteville – Patrick Murray, CCIM, SIOR

Triad Tammy Dixon, CCIM, SIOR

Triangle  Lisa Long Jackson, CCIM; Chanel Haugh 

Wilmington – Andrew Denton, CCIM; PJ Doherty, CCIM

Forecast Committees

The committee decides on the program format, identify and obtain the speakers, make the agenda, select the location, approve the meal and coordinate the details with our chapter administrator. This committee also leads the sponsorship drive. Segmented for each of the major areas-Charlotte, Triad and Triangle, each Forecast typically attracts around 300 people so these are major events. If interested, please contact the following members:

Debbie Gallimore, CCIM; Tammy Dixon, CCIM, SIOR

Power Partner

This committee is responsible for securing partnerships for our year long NC-CCIM Power Partners Programs. The committee also maintains contact with our current power partners throughout the year and are always looking for ways to add value to our partnerships. The goal of this committee is to maintain the current relationships that have been built, as well as retooling the program to attract new Power Partners. The committee typically conducts its business with emails and occasional meetings and is busiest in the winter and early spring. If interested, please contact:

John Shaheen, CCIM; Andre Collins, CCIM, SIOR; Kevan Smith

State Conference Committee

This committee is responsible for planning our annual state conference which includes selecting a date, location, cost, topics & speakers, networking events and agenda. This committee typically conducts its business over the phone and with emails. If interested, please contact:

Debbie Gallimore, CCIM; Lisa Long Jackson, CCIM; Phil Corriher, CCIM

Core Courses, Advanced & Continuing Education Committee

This committee is responsible for organizing the CCIM Core Courses (Intro, 101, 102, 103, & 104) that are held by our Chapter. Duties include working with the CCIM Institute and our neighbors in Region 9 on course availability and dates; selection of instructor(s) and location(s); budget awareness, coordination of lunch and the Chapter networking event. They are also responsible for organizing the “Free CE” days and the planning of our advanced education classes. This committee typically conducts its business over the phone and with emails. A committee member is also present to help check in on the first day of class as well as talk to the students about the CCIM designation and the NC Chapter. If interested, please contact:

Andre Collins, CCIM, SIOR; Shelly Bhatia, CCIM; Jay Taylor, CCIM; Andrew Denton, CCIM; PJ Doherty, CCIM

Designation Promotion & Marketing Committee

This committee facilitates media coordination, press releases, designation promotion and member retention in the local Business Journals for the Chapter. The committee’s goal is to increase public understanding and recognition of the CCIM Designation and to communicate the value of the NC-CCIM Chapter membership to not only its members but to real estate professionals throughout the region as well. If interested, please contact:

Tammy Dixon, CCIM, SIOR; Chanel Haugh

Membership  & Member Retention

This Committee is responsible for researching those who may be interested and would benefit from chapter membership. They typically send out emails and develop strategies to increase and preserve the chapter’s membership. The 2021 goals for this committee are candidate outreach, education prospects, encouragement of members participation in networking events and tracking the organization’s membership. If interested please contact:

 Lisa Long Jackson, CCIM; Andre Collins, CCIM, SIOR; Chanel Haugh

Legislative & Economic Development Committee

This committee is responsible for being the Legislative arm and liaison for the NC-CCIM chapter with Federal and State Legislative Representatives, NCAR, NAR and other professional organizations (e.g. IREM). Limited in person meetings; primarily coordinate activities via phone and email. Responsibilities include keeping fellow NC-CCIM Board members up on key issues and spreading the word to other members throughout the state in an ongoing effort to positively influence legislative issues that impact our industry and private property owner rights. In addition, this committee encourages RPAC participation. If interested, please contact:

Sledd Thomas, CCIM; Sheila Knight, CCIM; Eddie Blanton, CCIM

Foundation Liaison

This person is responsible for keeping the NC-CCIM Board up to date on all activities with the CCIM Foundation. This person attends board meetings and has continuous communication with the CCIM Institute and the Foundation staff. If interested, please contact:

Bo Winn, CCIM

Scholarships and Candidate Guidance

 This committee is responsible for rewarding scholarships for core classes and assisting candidates in their journey to earn the CCIM Designation. Committee members are the go to source for anyone with questions regarding their portfolio, candidacy, how to earn their CCIM designation, and benefits of the CCIM designation.  If interested, please contact:

Andrew Denton, CCIM; James Milner, CCIM; Andre Collins, CCIM, SIOR

Mentoring Program

Debbie Gallimore, CCIM; Jason Burke, CCIM; Andre Collins, CCIM, SIOR

CCIM University Alliance Liaison

Karen Mankowski, CCIM, Lisa Long Jackson, CCIM; Debbie Gallimore, CCIM